USA Gypsum serves over 20 manufactured housing facilities’ wallboard recycling programs throughout the Mid-Atlantic, North East & New England states regions
Let us develop a cost effective drywall recycling plan for your facility! Contact us to get started!
Our first customers for drywall recycling were modular housing manufacturers who, in 1997, helped research the use of recovered drywall gypsum as a substitute for mined gypsum. They supplied materials to develop the first pilot hand fed custom built drywall recycle process system. After two years of refining and proving the process a larger scale machine fed system was built.
Today, over 20 years later, we still serve these two plants. As word of the cost savings from recycling gypsum wallboard spread throughout the industry, other plants were added. Interest grew geographically and more economical transportation methods were developed. Today we are saving money for manufactured housing plants throughout the North Eastern USA.
Working closely with housing manufacturers, a series of methods were developed to efficiently collect the drywall scraps in the manufacturing plant. For example, building three sided jigs at the cut off points where scrap was layered in opposite directions kept scraps straight, square and stable enough to cross gravel lots with fork lifts without shrink wrapping. The stacked pallets were moved outside until a tractor trailer flatbed load was accumulated. This method provided to be efficient for storage and transportation.
Let us develop a cost effective drywall recycling plan for your facility!
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